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Acherontas, Inferno, Djevelkult & Myrkvid

Musigburg, Aarburg

Die Eosforian Adversary European Tour macht halt in der Schweiz.
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Doors: 18:30
Bands: 19:00
Entry 20.-

Acherontas is a Black Metal band from Greece, founded in 2007. The underground stream evolves through the aeons…

The group known as „Acherontas“ was caught into its maelstrom and it was also evolved… Leaving a trail into history for over fifteen years, it was re-invented during 2007… Tat Tvam Asi was the first step into the abyss. .

Theosis went further, bridging the chasm between the worlds, being by itself a gate, an invitation and a caveat… Their trail is covered with many covens, as split cooperations took place with names like Necromantia,Leviathan and Drowning The Light, a mini cd/7Ep devoted to the path of „Hermeticism“. „Vamachara” is the 3th full length album in the All-consuming fire of Acherontas.
In 2018 “Faustian Ethos” was brought to light, the 7th full length album by the Greek tormentors.. A record to be withhold above all!
We indulged ourselves and the audience as headliners in many concerts. But the best, as always, is yet to come..

Acherontas is no ordinary band. It is a smokescreen. It is an ark. It is a soundbox. .. The last sentence is far more literal than the most listeners would understand.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcherontasCoven
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_1Aq0L_43M

Inferno came into the existence in 1996 in the Czech republic even though the band’s foundation has been laid a year before, in 1995. The first demo offering entitled „Peklo Na Zemi“ was released in run of 500 copies which sold-out fast and the second demo „Temná Poselství Dávných Předků“ which came out a year later and also limited to 500 copies followed the same fate. This very first releases of Inferno have opened many ways and possibilities in then Black Metal underground. Inferno have played numerous concerts alongside the bands like Maniac Butcher, Eminenz, Impending Doom and others. The established contacts in the scene have also helped the band to realize several notable 7″ LPs with the bands such as Moonblood or Celestia which were released or co-released by a cult label Sombre Records. Other realized splits were with the bands Maniac Butcher, Sezarbil, Infernal War, Apolokia, Fagyhamu, Tundra, The Stone, Front Beast, Amalek, Winter Blasphemer, Naburus, Sekhmet and The True Endless. The band then has also recorded one live album and three subsequent full-length albums „Duch Slovanské Síly“ (2001), V Návratu Pohanství…“ (2003) and „Nikdy Nepokřtěni“ (2006). The year 2008 marked several important milestones. Firstly, the Undercover Records released the fourth album entitled „Uctívání Temné Zuřivosti“ – a very fine offering of melodic yet aggressive black metal – which helped the band to strike a deal with polish label Agonia Records who put out a crucial album „Black Devotion“ (2009).

The apocalyptic year of 2012 has been dedicated to the creation of the band’s most potent and deranged creation yet. Inferno entered the well-known Swedish studio Necromorbus twice during the year to seal cacophonic sounds and malevolent powers into the album entitled „Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness“. This massive sounding magnum opus of sinister black metal art was brought to light in 2013 through Agonia Records. Followed by their latest opus “Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension and Involution)” which was released in 2017!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inferno-322975231147644/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE7rmVwxTUg

Djevelkult is a Black Metal band from Norway that was forged in the fiery pits of hells in the diabolical summer of 2009 by Dødsherre Xarim . In the summer of 2011 the band released their first demo “Skapt av Helvetesild”. After that I took Djevelkult 3 years to write, record and release their first debut full length album ‘‘I Djevelens Tegn’’ which was brought to light through Morbid Shrine Productions from Spain in september 2014. In 2015 a split album “Tønsberg 17 04 15” together with 2 other Norwegian bands was released followed by their second full length album “Når avgrunnen åpnes” which was released in 2018 under the banner of the finnish record label Saturnal Records.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Djevelkult/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbpaRennD7g

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Datum & Zeit
Samstag, 30 März 2019
18:30 - 23:30
20 CHF (Abendkasse)
236 Veranstaltung teilen
Musigburg, Aarburg
Bahnhofstrasse 50
4663 Aarburg
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