Bloody Tyrant

Bloody Tyrant

loody Tyrant, the folk/black metal band from Nantou, established in 2008. Bloody Tyrant released their first album "Dawn of Doomsday" that is fast, brutal, evil and dark. During the same year, they were invited to play in a Korean metal festival with the death metal band Seed, Bloody Tyrant also played with the Japanese trash metal band Deaflock in Taiwan the following year.The EP "The Overture of Sun Moon Lake" was released in the year 2012 featuring the experimental addition of the traditional instrument Pipa and was available for free downloads. Comparing to the first album, the melodies from the EP are more elegant and beautiful, while the concept behind the EP is about the mythologies of the Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan. The EP is titled "overture" to serve as a prelude to the next conceptual album, to lead the listeners into more intriguing stories of the Sun Moon Lake.In 2015, Bloody Tyrant released their second album "The Legacy of Sun Moon Lake" that has a deeper story telling and with bigger arrangement to present the abundancy; the beauty; the power and the sorrow of the Sun Moon Lake."The Legacy of Sun Moon Lake" not only features the sonorous and the beauty of the pipa from "The Overture of Sun Moon Lake", Chinese flute was also added to portray the twittering sounds of a throstle, and the addition of orchestration furtherly strengthens the musical powers of Bloody Tyrant.The stories from "The Legacy of Sun Moon Lake" were based on the Taiwanese mythology of the twin dragons swallowing the sun and moon from the Sun Moon Lake, then added quite a lot of the band's views of politics, history and the current society to make up their own mythological work.The album of 2017, Solitary Eagle is based on one of the stories on mountain accident in the Taiwanese author 徐如林's prose collection of the same title, dealing with the mountain's fury, the loss of mythology and human faith.暴君,來自南投的民謠/黑金屬(Folk/Black Metal)樂團,成立於2008年,於2009年,以高速、粗殘、邪惡、晦暗的風格發行第一張專輯「末日黎明」,同年受發片演出同台死亡金屬樂團-Seed之邀至韓國的金屬音樂祭演出,隔年和日本鞭擊金屬團-Deaflock在台灣同台巡演。2012年,發行第二張作品,嘗試性的將琵琶加入EP-「水沙漣 序」之中,並開放免費下載。EP中的旋律線較第一張專輯優美許多,整體概念以闡述日月潭相關神話故事為主,作品名為「序」,是以未來將發行的概念專輯做一序曲,為各位導讀未來更耐人尋味的水沙漣故事。2015年,暴君用篇幅更大、格局更廣且更有深度的新專輯《水沙漣傳奇》來呈現水沙漣的盎然,水沙漣的美;水沙漣的壯闊,水沙漣的悲。新專輯除了《水沙漣 序》中原有之琵琶的鏗鏘與柔美,也加入笛子來述說畫眉鳥鳴之百囀千聲,更加入管弦樂來刻畫水沙漣嶼的煙波浩渺,讓暴君之氣勢更磅礡,格局更廣闊。《水沙漣傳奇》的故事內容改編自日月潭雙龍吞日月的神話傳說,並加入了許多對於政治,歷史,與社會現況的看法,以影射的方式架構出心目中的神話世界。2017年的新專輯 -《孤鷹行》概念改編自於台灣山林文學作家徐如林同名散文著作一書中的山難故事,借代山林的憤怒、神話的消亡與人心的失落。

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